Portalatin Business Law Firm is a boutique law firm based in Miami FL that helps foreign and domestic business owners expand their companies across the United States and make money off their awesome brands.
What makes us so special? What we believe in – giving, balance, and authenticity.
Instead of reading about me in third person, allow me to introduce myself — I’m Jessica, and I’m blessed to be the founder of Portalatin Law Firm. But more than that, I am a wife, mom, stepmom, daughter, sibling, businesswoman, and a woman of faith.
Full transparency… owning a business did not come easy to me. And at times, it still doesn’t.
There are so many moving parts that need to come together when you are running, a business that is not only successful, but one that you are proud of.
One where your team knows they have a valuable purpose.
One where you work with the intention of blessing someone else, and where your clients feel comfortable reaching out to talk about personal things. (Because let’s be real… when you are a business owner, business IS personal.)
I know how much time running a business can take. And I know how little it can leave for family time, and me-time. My goal is to give that time back to my clients, so they can continue to being the heart and soul of their businesses.
If you’ve made it this far down the page, thank you. I appreciate you being the kind of person who would take a moment to get to know me and understand what I am all about. I look forward to doing the same for you.
Hobbies: Tennis, Salsa dancing, and Cooking.
Pets: None.
Love Language: Acts of Service
Pet Peeve: When someone spoils the end of a movie or show I have not watched.
Wished Superpower: Teleportation.
Bucket list item: Go to Egypt.