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Client Testimonials

Portalatin Law Firm

Expert Collaboration!

Jose Debasa

“Jessica has a very good communication, to me it is all about communication, the service was GREAT, her response was good, she always gets back to me. If Jessica has any questions about what I'm trying to achieve I'd set up an appointment, we speak, and she could understand what it is that I'm looking for.”

Clock-Free Comfort...

Paul Nuñez

“I didn't feel like I was “on the clock” so to speak what I think a lot of times happens with attorneys or accountants, you feel like you're on the clock and you are not really sure you're being billed and you think that you're going to spend $2,000 or $3,000 on your legal deals and next thing you know you got a bill for 10K from your attorney saying you are billed for all these hours, it can be frustrating from a client stand point …she actually came out to our restaurant and sat down and met with which I don't think she has the time to do this days so personally I felt comfortable with her”

Prompt Expertise!

Steve Levine

“I went online to do it myself and there are questions that I just don't know the answer to and I didn't want to mess this up and have the state come back to me and go “Oh you didn't do this right now you owe us this so we're fining you that” so I just decided it is much better to pay an expert to do it properly”

¡Conoce su trabajo!

Italo Olivo

“La seguridad con la que ella te habla, la manera como redactó… me demostró que ella es capaz para el trabajo que tiene… muy profesional, de verdad conoce su trabajo.” “Lo principal es la seguridad de que el nombre iba a quedar registrado e íbamos a tener el nombre legal ya que ahorita nosotros vendemos en y en y con orgullo le mandamos el nombre con un diploma que decía aquí está, yo me siento muy seguro de los papeles que tengo en mis manos gracias a lo que ella hizo”

Instant Confidence!

Giovanni Bar

“The introductory call, she gave me a lot of information right of the back, there wasn't any questions she couldn't answer or she said I'll get back to you, there's immediate response and answer every single question on the intro call and I felt comfortable.”

"Confidence Boost"

Gustavo Navarrete

“I get to know her and got to know her experience and I felt very conformable with her on the legal process and advice, she knows the law she gives me options, she gives me creative solutions for things, I had the confidence she would be able to help me through my journey.”

Effective Problem-Solving Approach

Sandeep Dua

"Jessica really helped me... with soft legal follow-ups and sending notices... I felt good that we've done it very professionally."