Understand trademark renewal deadlines and grace periods to protect your brand. Learn about required filings every 5-6 and 9-10 years after registration to maintain legal status.Read More
In today’s competitive market, branding agencies play a crucial role in helping businesses create memorable and distinctive identities. However, one area that often gets overlooked is the legal side of branding, in particular protecting it with trademark registration. Working with a trademark firm can significantly improve the quality of service that branding agencies offer their...Read More
En el competitivo mercado actual, establecer una marca corporativa sólida es esencial para el éxito empresarial. Sin embargo, sin las salvaguardias legales adecuadas, la identidad y el valor de tu marca están en riesgo. En Portalatin Law Firm, nos especializamos en proteger y fortalecer tu marca a través de estrategias legales detalladas, incluyendo el registro...Read More
Blackribbit, a brand strategy and activation agency with an innovative approach to transforming employer-employee relationships. Blackribbit needed to ensure that the slogans proposed to their clients were legally available for use without the risk of trademark infringement. In a fast-evolving and competitive market, securing brand assets is essential for clients to solidify their identities and...Read More
Llevar un negocio a Estados Unidos representa una gran oportunidad para inversionistas extranjeros, pero implica también una serie de decisiones estratégicas que pueden definir el éxito del proyecto. Aquí te presentamos las preguntas esenciales que te ayudarán a evaluar y planificar tu expansión en el mercado estadounidense. 1. ¿Qué tipo de estructura empresarial es la...Read More
Expanding a business to the United States presents a significant opportunity for foreign investors but also involves a series of strategic decisions that can determine the success of the venture. Here, we present essential questions to help you evaluate and plan your expansion in the U.S. market. What type of business structure is most suitable...Read More
A trademark protects unique brand elements like names, logos, and phrases, safeguarding your brand’s reputation and value. Knowing the trademark eligibility criteria and legal requirements can be a critical step toward growth and brand integrity. At Portalatin, we have extensive experience in providing businesses lasting trademarks and other contracts to help your business succeed. What...Read More
When you build a brand, you’re not just creating a logo or choosing an attractive name; you’re bringing to life a unique identity that represents your values, products, and services. However, without proper trademark protection, you may be leaving the door open to infringements that not only compromise your business but also the perception your...Read More
How to protect your brand in a competitive market? Hey there, brand builders and business bosses! Today, we’re diving into the essential strategies for protecting your brand in a competitive market through trademarks. In the fast-paced world of business, establishing and safeguarding your brand is more crucial than ever. Let’s explore the steps you need...Read More
Hey there, brand builders and business bosses! Today, we’re diving into the wild world of trademarks. Now, I know what you’re thinking – “But Jess, trademarks sound about as exciting as watching grass grow.” Well, buckle up, because I’m about to make this topic more entertaining than a Netflix binge-watch. What is a trademark? First things...Read More
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